"Turn your face towards the sun. Let the shadows fall behind you." -GG
Lately my time has been spent working, a lot. I honestly can't complain because this time last year I was desperate to cure myself of the dis-ease we were dealing with. A couple months ago I started working part-time and feeling so happy to be well enough to work, to be around people again, and being of service to others. Shortly thereafter, I was offered a second job to work in the natural medicine industry and naturally, I took it! So here I am, celebrating six months post chemo and I have been working two jobs. Sounds crazy but I am just happy to be well enough to hustle like this. Let's just say an early bedtime has been crucial for maintaining energy and stamina.
I try not to let money, or lately a lack of money, stress me out. Medical bills, regular bills, living expenses... ugh the struggle is real. However, there are few, more fearful struggles and that is hoping your life or that of a loved one being taken too soon. Having faith in the Universal Spirit that things will work out is the light guiding me through this uncertain life. I also understand the last thing my body needs is unnecessary stress.
There are a lot of questions and thoughts that go through our minds on the daily. The worst and most troublesome are those laced with fear. I have many fears and struggle with allowing them too much air time in my head. Yes, there are so many, many blessings I also acknowledge on a daily basis and that helps silence most negative emotions. But let me be completely honest, I'm afraid that the nightmare is not over and it's just laying dormant waiting for the next happy phase of my life. I'm afraid I'm not doing enough to stay healthy. Whether it be eating the right foods my body needs, or thinking the right thoughts for my mind and spirit to transcend to higher ground.
None of us know how much "time" we are given. Most of our lives we spend trading time for money. Is money the meaning of life, working paycheck to paycheck? Of course not, but it does help us live a little easier at times. I know I don't want to be looking for the right job all my life or just "making ends meet." I want to create a life for myself and my loved ones, by serving a greater purpose. Live a life with joy and meaning, a life with love and soul.
Loved the Blog. What an incredible command of the language you have. Become an author..You certainly have the talent !!
Gaga (the name my grandsons gave me) :)
Hey Jessie, I wanted to remind you to give Dr Robert Morse ND in Florida some time. Go on to You tube and watch his videos until you understand what he is saying. He poo-pooh's the idea of calling anything 'Cancer'...he says we are all simply suffering from bad food and drink choices plus poisons from vaccines and environment etc. We can ALL de-tox ourselves but it goes much much deeper than you would think. I mentioned him to you on FB but I figured you were not yet ready to 'go to' this next, ' level ' of healing. I am reminding you because something nudged me to bother to do so . I really hope you do. I am not well now EITHER (though I choose to stay away from the medical profession); and I have, instead, taken up 'de-toxification' as my path. He is an expert at this and rarely 'loses people' unlike the Med establishment. I don't even know how I would be managing at all had I not found his wisdom and encouragement. Anyway, you are a sweetheart and remember, you are learning so much; so very much. We all have to drop the fears now, we haven't any more time for that. Live life, be as beautiful as you are but truly begin to learn about your body more deeply. He can help. Give it a go and let me know. El xx :) Really hope you didn't mind me writing this. Some little voice was whispering 'send it send it' so I am. (We are FB friends. I am the lady who worked behind the counter at Avalon Visions for a while, in case you are scratching your head!) :) PS and yes, the above comment from Phyllis is spot on. You are a very good writer. Write you story and make a book out of it and inspire others.