Before I go on to share the happenings here in Mexico, I would first like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to the people who have come forward and offered their support for this healing journey. Every time a supportive message or donation came in, I felt the gentle push of mutual belief that this is the right path.
On some level, we are all dissatisfied with the traditional treatment options for canser patients. (Thass right I spelled C-A-N-S-E-R like the author Kris Carr, just to piss it off.) We have all been affected by the disease in some way or another and immediately pray this is not a ill-fated precursor for a loved one or anyone else. I see the looks of condolences people give me for my current situation, mostly because we have been without hope for so long. The traditional treatments are a gamble for some, a victory for the fortunate, and a complete loss for many it seems. When given the opportunity, I have always been too frugal to gamble, and so it is today with my quality of life.
A million thank you's for every person who contributed money, sent out a positive thought, a good vibe, a healing prayer, or kind intention. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for believing not only in me, but also our amazing ability to restore our health with nutrition; or in my case, soultrition.
If you are just joining me on this journey and would like to understand the reason for my appreciation and how I ended up on this healing path in Mexico, view my story here.
With much love and deep gratitude,
Jessie Renee
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